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Wine aging: why we choose the oak

By 21/08/2024No Comments
Affinamento vino in botte di rovere

If you’re looking for an exclusive and unique wine you’re in the right place! Our special method of wine aging in oak barrel makes our products even better.

Whath does the oak barrel wine aging consist of?

The oak barrels aren’t used only like simple contenitors able to preserve the wine, but they act a primary role for the evolution of each product inside them.

The wood, infact, permits a gradual and slow passage of oxygen inside the contenitor (micro-oxygenation), wich bonds itself to the wine, giving it an equilibreted maturation and an elegant softness. This is a slow process wich lasts in time, wich can takes place for a few months until many years, but it represents the base for aging tannins, wich produces an harmonius wine and wanted in its taste.

Through the micro-oxygenation process the primary grape characteristics harvested in vineyard can be exalted, keeping unchanged its organoleptic properties.

Whath kind of oak barrel are used by Altiero in Chianti?

Every wood permits the wine to express itself in different way and every time we look for the best method ables to improve the grape potentiality.
During the years we used four different kinds of oak:

  • french
  • american
  • hungarian
  • italian

Barrels, with different sizes and thickness, are chosen with attention, able to adapt themselves to specific exigences of each wine we produce. This artisan approach lets us able to customize the micro-oxygenation process, garanteeing the authentic expression of our terroir and our dedication for excellence in every single bottle.

At Altiero in Chianti you’ll find only high quality wines, with distinctive flavours and smelss wich tell about our passion and dedication.

By the way, have you already chosen your next wine?